# MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM - THE MOVIE #1 - SIDE 2 (approx 57 minutes)
# (Bandai/Sunrise LD #: BELL-391  Total time: 150 minutes / MONO / CLV)
#                   VERSION 3.0 (7 Feb 95)
# SYNC POINT: Start LD and pause on 0:00, start computer and LD together...
#           Translated by: Hiroaki Fukuda
#        Edited by: Robert Lowrey and Todd Perkins
#         Subtitles by: Central Anime - July 1994
#      Questions/comments/feedback: t.perkins@genie.geis.com
# F1 = 29pt JACO font F0 = 36pt JACO font F7 = 47pt futuraX F9 = 20 futuraB
#        CF1 = green CF3 = yellow CF5 = cyan CF7 = white CF6 = red
#          ***********Designed for 29pt font*********
0:00:09.63 0:00:11.75 {MAN} Catching Madagascar's beacon.
0:00:11.75 0:00:16.19 {MAN} Approach velocity, upper limit -2. You're on the glideslope.
0:00:16.19 0:00:19.71 CF7 {MAN} Madagascar has entered. All hands prepare for mooring.
0:00:19.71 0:00:21.55 {MAN} Ammo resupply group, hurry !
0:00:21.55 0:00:25.55 CF7 {MAN} Recreation service, where are you ?! Are you ready for the officers ?
0:00:25.55 0:00:30.27 {MAN} Pier 2, ready.  All personnel, begin loading class 2 ammunition now.
0:00:30.27 0:00:31.61 CF7 {MAN} Roger.
0:00:42.61 0:00:45.35 {WAKAIN} I'm Wakain, the commander of Luna II.
0:00:45.35 0:00:48.85 {PAOLO} Repair White Base... The children...
0:00:48.85 0:00:54.10 {WAKAIN} Yes. I'll make sure the ship gets to Jabrow.{to send the ship on to Jabrow.}
0:00:54.10 0:00:55.85 {WAKAIN} Go now.
0:01:02.45 0:01:06.65 {BRIGHT} Commander Wakain, can't you at least take the refugees ? 
0:01:06.65 0:01:11.15 {BRIGHT} We'll never get the ship to Jabrow.{It's impossible for us to bring the ship to Jabrow.}
0:01:11.15 0:01:14.69 {MIRAI} We're all amateurs.
0:01:14.69 0:01:18.75 {WAKAIN} You've experienced real combat.
0:01:18.75 0:01:19.95 {BRIGHT} But...
0:01:19.95 0:01:24.80 {WAKAIN} I'm sorry for you, but it's a new battleship.
0:01:24.80 0:01:31.33 {WAKAIN} It's to be sent straight to Jabrow, then they'll decide what to do with you.
0:01:31.33 0:01:35.90 {MAN} Are we going to Earth ? We want to go back to Side 7.
0:01:35.90 0:01:37.60 CF7 {MAN} I've made up my mind to live there !
0:01:37.60 0:01:42.70 {WAKAIN} Those are Jabrow's orders. This ship is launching immediately.
0:01:52.19 0:01:54.50 {MAN} Commander, do you think they'll make it{could it get there} ?
0:01:54.50 0:02:02.23 {WAKAIN} Who knows ?  All we can do is send one Salamis as an escort.
0:02:02.23 0:02:05.21 {WAKAIN} I wish them luck. {Good luck for them.}
0:02:06.41 0:02:09.30 {WAKAIN} Jabrow isn't concerned about the front line...
0:02:09.30 0:02:10.50 {MAN} Commander...
0:02:12.79 0:02:20.70 {WAKAIN} The war with Zion is getting more intense, and now we're mobilizing civilians.
0:02:20.70 0:02:22.80 {WAKAIN} It's such a cold-blooded time, isn't it ?
0:02:38.50 0:02:41.83 {MAN} Where is computer #27 for this backup Core Fighter ?
0:02:41.83 0:02:43.85 CF7 {MAN} How should I know ? Look over there.
0:02:44.90 0:02:47.93 {MAN} That Core Fighter is the cockpit of a Mobile Suit.
0:02:47.93 0:02:51.80 {RYU} Gundam, Gun Cannon, and Gun Tank, they're all same.
0:02:58.15 0:03:00.80 {KAI} Oh, Hayato, you look so dedicated...
0:03:00.80 0:03:04.60 {KAI} ...but the enemy is right over there. Do you think you'll make it ?{Can you make it in time ?}
0:03:04.60 0:03:06.97 {HAYATO} Quit bothering me. {Don't tease me}
0:03:06.97 0:03:10.50 {SAYLA} Kai, aren't you are supposed to be maintaining the Gun Cannon ?
0:03:08.20 0:03:09.20 CF7  {KAI} Huh ?  
0:03:10.50 0:03:11.40 {KAI} I'm done.
0:03:11.40 0:03:14.30 {SAYLA} So, go wait in 1st alert.
0:03:16.30 0:03:18.65 {MIRAI} 25 minutes to re-entry.
0:03:18.65 0:03:20.17 {BRIGHT} Mirai, are you confident that you can do this ?
0:03:20.17 0:03:23.95 {MIRAI} I've re-entered by Space Glider once before...
0:03:23.95 0:03:27.09 {MIRAI} ...but that time, communication with the ground was clear...
0:03:27.09 0:03:30.80 {BRIGHT} The basics are the same, just follow the Salamis's orders.
0:03:30.80 0:03:34.57 {MIRAI} What I'm worried about is Char. He won't give up so easily.
0:03:34.57 0:03:36.85 {BRIGHT} You just concentrate on the re-entry.
0:03:36.85 0:03:37.65 {MIRAI} Roger.
0:03:37.65 0:03:39.11 CF7 {REID} Hey BOY, do you copy ?
0:03:39.11 0:03:40.23 {BRIGHT} Yes, Lieutenant Reid.
0:03:40.23 0:03:42.45 CF7 {REID} You should be ready for re-entry by now.
0:03:42.45 0:03:48.21 CF7 {REID} We're going on ahead in a capsule. It's much faster. Don't be late.
0:03:48.21 0:03:50.80 {BRIGHT} Yes, understood sir.
0:03:50.80 0:03:56.25 {BRIGHT} Mirai, switch to autopilot for re-entry and prepare yourself.
0:03:56.25 0:03:57.50 {MIRAI} Roger.
0:03:58.10 0:04:01.90 {CHAR} It was fortunate that we received another three Zakus.{ in time.}
0:04:01.90 0:04:04.70 {CHAR} We'll be re-entering in 20 minutes.
0:04:04.70 0:04:10.30 {CHAR} At this moment, there is no record of a battle like this ever taking place. {There must be no record of attack at this timing.}
0:04:10.30 0:04:13.45 {CHAR} If you're caught by Earth's gravity and forced to re-enter...
0:04:13.45 0:04:16.45 {CHAR} ...even a Zaku will burn up in just a few moments.
0:04:16.45 0:04:24.19 {CHAR} Therefore, it's a perfect opportunity to attack while they're concentrating on re-entry.
0:04:24.19 0:04:28.95 {CHAR} Primary target: the ``Wooden Horse.''
0:04:26.40 0:04:28.95 {CHAR} Secondary target: enemy Mobile Suits.
0:04:28.95 0:04:31.15 {CHAR} I'm counting on you all.
0:04:31.70 0:04:37.80 CF7 {BRIGHT} The ship is re-entering in 15 minutes. All hands, go to 2nd alert.
0:04:37.80 0:04:40.05 {HAYATO} Ryu, are there any smaller ones ?
0:04:40.05 0:04:42.50 {RYU} There should be some child sizes. Look over there.
0:04:45.40 0:04:48.15 {RYU} The zipper on the neck is double.
0:04:48.15 0:04:50.90 {HAYATO} Child sizes ?!
0:04:50.90 0:04:52.70 {KAI} Perfect fit.{Just fit.}
0:04:52.70 0:04:55.27 {AMURO} Unwillingly {Unconciously} dragged into the battle...
0:04:55.27 0:04:56.40 {RYU} What ?
0:04:56.40 0:04:59.00 {AMURO} Nothing. I'll wait in the Gundam.
0:05:02.11 0:05:04.35 {REID} Missiles, stand by.
0:05:03.15 0:05:04.35 CF5 {MAN} Roger.
0:05:04.35 0:05:06.70 {REID} Will Char come after us ?
0:05:05.65 0:05:06.70 CF5 {MAN} Impossible.
0:05:09.75 0:05:13.95 {MIRAI} Salamis capsule launched, White Base is following it.
0:05:21.95 0:05:26.69 {BRIGHT} To all personnel on White Base, the ship will be re-entering in 3 minutes.
0:05:26.69 0:05:31.41 {BRIGHT} Please remain seated.  Don't panic when the ship begins to shake.
0:05:31.41 0:05:35.40 {BRIGHT} All soldiers and mechanics, stay at your posts.
0:05:35.40 0:05:39.50 {BRIGHT} We might need to launch the Gundam. Mechanics, be ready for it.
0:05:39.50 0:05:40.70 CF7 {MAN} The enemy !!
0:05:42.21 0:05:46.70 {MARKER} Switching to visual. Max zoom. Estimated contact in 34 seconds.
0:05:52.53 0:05:56.35 CF7 {BRIGHT} Move out, Gundam, and stop the enemy. You can do that, can't you, Amuro ?
0:05:56.35 0:05:57.80 {AMURO} Who knows ?
0:05:57.80 0:06:03.90 CF7 {SAYLA} Return in 4 minutes or you'll burn up in the atmosphere.
0:06:03.90 0:06:04.87 {AMURO} Roger.
0:06:04.87 0:06:07.89 CF7 {SAYLA} Aft, R-3 degrees. There are 4 Zakus.
0:06:07.89 0:06:09.89 {AMURO} Four ?! That can't be right !{I haven't heard anything about it.}
0:06:09.89 0:06:13.70 CF7 {SAYLA} Fact is fact. Char was probably {could have been} resupplyed.
0:06:15.41 0:06:17.11 {AMURO} Easygoing.
0:06:17.11 0:06:21.11 CF7 {SAYLA} Ryu and Kai will support you, just worry about your altitude.
0:06:21.11 0:06:23.67 {AMURO} How can I do that during combat ?
0:06:23.67 0:06:25.99 CF7 {SAYLA} I believe that you can.
0:06:25.99 0:06:27.45 {AMURO} Don't flatter me.
0:06:27.45 0:06:29.15 CF7 {SAYLA} To the catapult.
0:06:30.00 0:06:31.59 CF7 {SAYLA} Cleared for launch.
0:06:31.59 0:06:32.85 {AMURO} Launching !
0:06:39.53 0:06:41.30 CF7 {AMURO} Amuro, you've got to do well.
0:06:44.65 0:06:47.10 {CHAR} It seems the enemy has launched a Mobile Suit.
0:06:47.10 0:06:50.55 {CHAR} Dorren, cover  us.  We're going to split in two and begin the attack.
0:06:51.40 0:06:52.40 {DORREN} Roger
0:06:52.81 0:06:55.40 {MAN} Re-entry capsule launching.
0:06:55.40 0:06:56.37 {DORREN} Go ahead.
0:07:00.23 0:07:02.51 {DORREN} Musai, launch missiles.
0:07:20.91 0:07:25.55 CF7 {SAYLA} Amuro, don't worry about Char too much, the Zakus are attacking the Salamis capsule.
0:07:25.55 0:07:26.75 {AMURO} The capsule ?!
0:07:28.81 0:07:31.37 {AMURO} I hate showing my back to Char, but...
0:07:32.65 0:07:33.63 {AMURO} You're careless !
0:07:39.71 0:07:41.27 {AMURO} No you don't !
0:07:41.71 0:07:42.49 {AMURO} That's it !
0:07:44.45 0:07:46.71 {AMURO} The sight needs adjusting each time.
0:07:50.30 0:07:52.50 {MAN} It's got a Vulcan cannon...!
0:07:54.20 0:07:55.65 {MAN} Lt. Commander...!!!
0:08:00.11 0:08:04.05 {AMURO} No hits ?! The Vulcan's barrels must be mis-aligned.
0:08:06.20 0:08:08.10 {REID} We're hit !
0:08:08.10 0:08:08.85 {MAN} The hull...
0:08:09.45 0:08:12.95 CF7 {REID} Ensign Bright, the capsule will burn up from inside.
0:08:12.95 0:08:15.87 {BRIGHT} I understand.  I'll have White Base recover it.
0:08:15.87 0:08:16.85 CF7 {REID} Thanks.
0:08:16.85 0:08:20.43 {BRIGHT} Sayla, tell Amuro to get two of the Zakus away from White Base.
0:08:20.43 0:08:23.77 {SAYLA} Impossible ! He's busy fighting Char.
0:08:31.90 0:08:36.20 {CHAR} The performance gap of Mobile Suits is insignificant in combat{the war potential}...
0:08:38.40 0:08:39.60 {CHAR} ...and now you'll see why.
0:08:41.60 0:08:42.60 {AMURO} Char, you...
0:08:47.00 0:08:47.81 {AMURO} Gotcha !
0:08:49.97 0:08:53.50 {AMURO} Shit ! The bazooka rounds...
0:08:53.50 0:08:54.65 {AMURO} From behind ?!
0:08:55.70 0:08:56.70 {CHAR} Too slow !
0:09:03.00 0:09:05.00 {MAN} Salamis capsule, laser locking.
0:09:07.15 0:09:08.50 {REID} Are the Zakus gone ?
0:09:08.50 0:09:11.00 {MAN} Activate the laser lock.
0:09:15.15 0:09:16.70 {KAI} You ! Go down !!
0:09:18.30 0:09:19.97 {CHAR} Get closer and attack.
0:09:20.95 0:09:22.79 {MAN} But their defensive attack is so intense...
0:09:22.79 0:09:25.50 {CHAR} That's a problem ? Watch the enemy carefully and attack from below !
0:09:28.15 0:09:29.38 {SAYLA} Starboard hit.
0:09:29.38 0:09:31.85 {MARKER} Starboard guns, rush to intercept.
0:09:31.85 0:09:34.30 {OSCAR} Apply emergency Wall Film to the damaged area.
0:09:34.63 0:09:36.91 {KIKKA} Big sis, I want to get them.
0:09:36.91 0:09:38.40 {KATSU} It's war !
0:09:38.40 0:09:39.31 {KIKKA} I'm not scared !
0:09:39.31 0:09:40.20 {RETSU} It's scary !
0:09:40.20 0:09:41.05 {KIKKA} I'm not scared !!
0:09:41.81 0:09:44.11 {HAYATO} Which one can aim to both sides ?
0:09:44.11 0:09:47.89 {MAN} It should be #35.  The one on the right can aim forwards, too.
0:09:47.89 0:09:48.80 {HAYATO} I've got to do it.
0:09:56.99 0:10:00.25 {BRIGHT} Amuro, a Zaku is moving beneath White Base, come back.
0:10:00.25 0:10:01.80 {REID} What's our condition ?
0:10:01.80 0:10:02.70 {BRIGHT} Not good.
0:10:03.20 0:10:04.17 {AMURO} Shit !
0:10:13.75 0:10:14.75 {CHAR} You can't.
0:10:16.95 0:10:18.11 {AMURO} S...stop !
0:10:27.60 0:10:30.45 {CHAR} Damn, is this Federation MS a monster or what ?
0:10:30.45 0:10:33.45 {SAYLA} Amuro ! Gundam, do you read me ? You're over the time limit !
0:10:33.45 0:10:36.60 {SAYLA} Amuro, return to White Base ! You're over the time limit !
0:10:36.60 0:10:40.10 {BRIGHT} Stand by for re-entry. Retract all batteries.
0:10:41.43 0:10:45.60 {BRIGHT} Amuro, land on the aft hatch of White Base, you're in danger.
0:10:45.60 0:10:46.65 CF7 {AMURO} Roger.
0:10:48.49 0:10:51.60 {DORREN} Lt.Commander Char, return to the capsule.
0:10:51.60 0:10:56.55 {CHAR} Crown, forget it. The enemy won't risk it either. It's alright, return to the capsule.
0:10:58.75 0:11:03.57 {OSCAR} Tell Amuro the Gundam will burn up in the atmosphere.
0:11:03.57 0:11:06.00 {BRIGHT} Amuro, forget about the Zaku and return.
0:11:06.00 0:11:13.30 {REID} Ensign Bright, my orders are to bring White Base and the Gundam to Jabrow safely.
0:11:13.30 0:11:15.19 {REID} Recover the Gundam, it's going to be burned up !
0:11:15.45 0:11:16.90 {BRIGHT} Tell Amuro that.
0:11:16.90 0:11:18.20 {REID} That amateur shouldn't be using it !
0:11:18.20 0:11:22.65 {BRIGHT} But if we hadn't sent out the Gundam, we would've been shot down.
0:11:22.65 0:11:26.20 {MIRAI} Lt. Reid, please sit down, it's dangerous.
0:11:26.20 0:11:28.60 {MIRAI} Increase outer panel cooling system by +3.
0:11:28.60 0:11:30.91 {REID} Remember, I'm going to make this a court-martial case !
0:11:33.01 0:11:35.95 {Frau} Amuro... Hasn't he returned yet ?
0:11:41.93 0:11:45.20 {AMURO} I didn't think the descent speed would be this fast.
0:11:46.41 0:11:47.30 {CHAR} What about Crown ?
0:11:47.30 0:11:50.10 {DORREN} No, there's no way to recover him now.
0:11:50.77 0:11:54.00 {CROWN} Commander ! Lt.Commander Char !
0:11:54.00 0:11:56.60 {CROWN} Help me ! I can't decelerate !
0:11:56.60 0:11:58.55 {CROWN} Lt.Commander Char !! HELP ME !!
0:11:59.05 0:12:05.40 {CHAR} Crown, the Zaku doesn't have re-entry capability...I'm sorry.
0:12:05.40 0:12:08.10 {CHAR} But Crown, your death won't be in vain.
0:12:19.70 0:12:21.85 {AMURO} Here it is ! How to re-enter the atmosphere.
0:12:21.85 0:12:26.30 {AMURO} Can I make it ?  Shift to cooling, generate the heat-resistant field.  Connect all circuits.
0:12:35.17 0:12:38.30 {OSCAR} It can't get a visual of the Gundam because of the interference.
0:12:38.30 0:12:41.15 {SAYLA} Amuro ! Amuro ! Answer me !
0:12:41.15 0:12:42.50 {Frau} What about Amuro ?
0:12:42.50 0:12:44.10 {SAYLA} We won't be able to communicate with him for a while.
0:12:45.30 0:12:48.05 {CHAR} The position of the Mobile Suit hasn't changed, nor has it burned up.
0:12:48.05 0:12:52.83 {DORREN} What's going on ? Does it have re-entry capability ?
0:12:54.27 0:12:55.80 {MIRAI} Altitude 32...
0:12:55.80 0:12:57.22 JLHL2 {MIRAI} 30...
0:12:57.22 0:12:58.64 JLHL12 {MIRAI} 29...
0:12:58.64 0:13:00.06 JLHL22 {MIRAI} 26...
0:13:00.06 0:13:01.48 JLHL32 {MIRAI} 25...
0:13:01.48 0:13:02.90 JLHL42 {MIRAI} 24...
0:13:02.90 0:13:04.32 JLHL52 {MIRAI} 20...
0:13:04.32 0:13:05.74 JLHL62 {MIRAI} 17...
0:13:05.74 0:13:07.16 JLHL72 {MIRAI} 16...
0:13:07.16 0:13:08.58 JLHL82 {MIRAI} 14...
0:13:08.58 0:13:10.00 JLHL92 {MIRAI} 12...
0:13:10.63 0:13:12.70 {AMURO} Can this withstand...
0:13:13.21 0:13:17.00 {CHAR} When the radio is operational, contact Captain Garma on the continent.
0:13:17.00 0:13:18.85 {DORREN} Now I understand.
0:13:18.85 0:13:20.70 {DORREN} Lt. Commander Char...
0:13:20.70 0:13:24.20 {DORREN} Even if we fail to shoot down the enemy before re-entry...
0:13:24.20 0:13:31.00 {DORREN} ...we can change its angle and lead it to our territory.  It's a dual operation.
0:13:31.00 0:13:35.25 {CHAR} I usually think that far ahead. There's no mercy in combat.
0:13:35.25 0:13:36.33 {DORREN} It's Captain Garma.
0:13:39.37 0:13:41.95 {GARMA} Yo, what's up, Red Comet ?
0:13:41.95 0:13:47.61 CF7 {CHAR} I think I'll have to give up the name, Captain Garma.
0:13:47.61 0:13:49.89 {GARMA} It's unusual to see you lose your courage.
0:13:49.89 0:13:55.51 CF7 {CHAR} You've heard about Operation V ? I've found out what it is.
0:13:55.51 0:13:56.75 {GARMA} What ?
0:13:56.75 0:14:00.79 CF7 {CHAR} Because of it, I lost six Zakus.
0:14:00.79 0:14:03.50 {GARMA} That's terrible. Is it that strong ?
0:14:04.95 0:14:11.35 CF7 {CHAR} I've lured it into your area, it's going to be your ``kill''.  I'll be there later.
0:14:11.35 0:14:15.75 {GARMA}  Alright, I accept your offer. I'll intercept it with Gow assault carriers.
0:14:15.75 0:14:16.75 {GARMA}  Scramble !
0:14:25.15 0:14:26.50 {OSCAR} The monitor is functioning.
0:14:28.35 0:14:30.10 {OSCAR} Gundam ? It's the Gundam !
0:14:31.80 0:14:34.45 {Frau} The Gundam is safe, and so is Amuro.
0:14:51.15 0:14:53.60 {OLDMAN} Look Pelo, that's Earth.
0:14:53.60 0:14:59.00 {PELO} That's the land.  And that's the sea. It's called the ``sea,'' right ?
0:15:00.20 0:15:04.70 {OLDMAN} Oh, right, this's the first time you've seen Earth.
0:15:04.70 0:15:09.10 {OLDMAN} Pelo, this is a natural planet made of land and sea.
0:15:26.95 0:15:28.61 {Frau} Good job, Amuro.
# 0:15:36.13 0:15:37.31 {Frau} Amuro.
0:15:46.25 0:15:50.48 {KIKKA} Amuro, we rushed to make pies !
0:15:50.48 0:15:52.75 {RETSU} I got champagne, too.
0:15:52.90 0:15:55.15 {KATSU} Do we toast with pie ?
0:15:55.15 0:15:57.65 CF5 {HALO} Amuro, cheers ! Amuro, cheers !
0:15:59.17 0:16:02.05 {AMURO} Please leave me alone.
0:16:06.17 0:16:08.80 {KIKKA} What's the matter, Amuro ?
0:16:28.29 0:16:32.65 {MARKER} Estimated course...
0:16:30.65 0:16:32.65 {MARKER} ...and the current course.
0:16:33.30 0:16:35.90 {REID} We can't go to Jabrow.
0:16:35.90 0:16:39.30 {BRIGHT} I agree. We're in Zion terittory.
0:16:39.30 0:16:41.55 {REID} No way !!
0:16:41.55 0:16:43.00 {SAYLA} You should go have your wounds treated.
0:16:43.00 0:16:49.59 {BRIGHT} Char is highly skilled in combat tactics. We were set up.
0:16:49.59 0:16:52.51 {REID} We've got to break through no matter what.
0:16:52.51 0:16:53.99 CF7 {MARKER} Enemy aircraft !!
0:16:53.10 0:16:53.99 {REID} What ?
0:17:16.10 0:17:22.13 {GARMA} Perhaps Char is right. It seems that it totally outclasses other Federation ships.
0:17:22.13 0:17:23.85 {MAN} There's the Musai capsule.
0:17:23.85 0:17:25.75 {GARMA} Recover it.
0:17:33.90 0:17:35.80 {MAN} That's it. Good landing.
0:17:35.80 0:17:38.30 {MAN} Captain Garma, the capsule has been recovered.
0:17:39.43 0:17:46.00 {GARMA} Hey Char, it isn't like you to have trouble with just one Federation ship.
0:17:46.00 0:17:52.41 {CHAR} Don't talk like that, Garma. Or should I call you ``Earth Commander'', Captain Garma ?
0:17:52.41 0:17:55.55 {GARMA} Call me Garma just like in the officer's academy.
0:17:55.55 0:17:57.52 {CHAR} That's the ``Wooden Horse.''
0:17:57.52 0:18:01.70 {GARMA} Yeah, even the Red Comet couldn't score against it.
0:18:01.70 0:18:05.05 {CHAR} Are you saying that that doesn't bother you ?{not a matter to bother you ?}
0:18:05.05 0:18:09.61 {GARMA} No, as a friend, I'm just happy to pick you up, Char.
0:18:09.61 0:18:14.71 {CHAR} Don't forget that the ``Wooden Horse'' performed re-entry by itself.
0:18:14.71 0:18:21.05 {GARMA} Yes, given those facts, I've been ordered to analyze its combat potential.
0:18:21.05 0:18:26.81 {GARMA} You've been on duty since the guerilla mop-up operation, right ?  Get some rest.
0:18:26.81 0:18:33.60 {CHAR} I'll accept your offer. And I guarantee that this will be worth the Zion Cross.
0:18:33.60 0:18:37.85 {GARMA} Thank you. This could make me a real man.
0:18:37.85 0:18:42.00 {GARMA} Are you trying help me save face with my sister ?
0:18:45.40 0:18:47.20 {GARMA} Don't laugh, my men are staring at us.
0:18:51.85 0:18:54.75 {Frau} Amuro, hurry up.
0:18:53.65 0:18:54.75 CF5 {HALO} Amuro, hurry up.
0:19:01.01 0:19:02.68 {Frau} What's wrong ?
0:19:02.68 0:19:04.18 {AMURO} Nothing.
0:19:04.18 0:19:05.14 {Frau} Do you have a fever ?
0:19:05.14 0:19:06.47 {AMURO} No.
0:19:06.47 0:19:08.75 {Frau} Combat standby has been ordered.
0:19:08.75 0:19:11.37 {AMURO} I haven't been able to sleep well since I left Side 7...
0:19:11.37 0:19:18.97 {AMURO} ...and I can't do it even when I try.
0:19:18.97 0:19:23.99 {Frau} Won't you talk to Sayla ? She's an intern, isn't she ?
0:19:23.99 0:19:25.79 {AMURO} Leave me alone !
0:19:25.79 0:19:28.77 {Frau} Who do you think you are ? This doesn't sound like you !
0:19:28.77 0:19:31.53 {AMURO} It's not me fighting in the cockpit of the Mobile Suit, either !
0:19:31.53 0:19:35.20 {Frau} Many adults died in the last war.
0:19:35.20 0:19:40.65 {Frau} The young in both the Federation and Zion have to fight.
0:19:42.11 0:19:43.85 {Frau} That's a bad habit. Stop it.
0:19:45.60 0:19:49.50 {AMURO} The Federation is using us as a decoy.
0:19:49.50 0:19:51.61 {Frau} Decoy ?
0:19:51.61 0:19:55.40 {AMURO} They must have some new weapons under development.
0:19:55.40 0:20:00.90 {AMURO} Until they're finished, we're being used as decoys to get Zion's attention.
0:20:02.01 0:20:03.09 {REID} From Jabrow ?
0:20:03.09 0:20:03.90 {BRIGHT} Finally !
0:20:03.90 0:20:05.65 {SAYLA} This is White Base.
0:20:05.65 0:20:09.32 CF7 {RADIO} This is Defense Force M-4, transmission decoding key, alpha-gain.
0:20:09.32 0:20:11.75 {SAYLA} Alpha-gain, roger.
0:20:16.30 0:20:22.90 {BRIGHT} It says : ``Break through the enemy line and escape to the sea.''
0:20:22.90 0:20:28.11 {REID} They won't even come to help. Can you put me through to M-4 ?
0:20:28.11 0:20:32.10 {SAYLA} It's impossible.  Even a coded transmission is risky in enemy territory.
0:20:33.90 0:20:35.97 {BRIGHT} What are the Admirals thinking ?
0:20:35.97 0:20:38.00 {REID} They don't understand the real combat situation.
0:20:39.49 0:20:43.17 {CHAR} Garma, it's not necessary for you to go.
0:20:43.17 0:20:47.00 {GARMA} I have to save face with my sister.
0:20:47.00 0:20:49.30 {GARMA} You don't have a family. It's a concern that you wouldn't understand.
0:20:51.35 0:20:53.67 {GEBIL} Gebil squadron, go !
0:20:59.55 0:21:01.45 {GARMA} Garma squadron, launching !
0:21:10.21 0:21:11.55 {REID} We're going to crash !
0:21:14.20 0:21:20.05 {REID} It's too tough for an amateur at this altitude. Climb 100m more.
0:21:20.05 0:21:22.00 {BRIGHT} Gows are all over our topside.
0:21:22.00 0:21:26.50 {REID} We can't risk losing White Base by crashing into a mountain.
0:21:26.50 0:21:28.15 {BRIGHT} I'm not going take responsibility for being destroyed.
0:21:30.89 0:21:34.50 {BRIGHT} Ryu, how are Hayato and Kai ?
0:21:34.50 0:21:36.35 CF7 {RYU} Hayato will be a gunner in a Gun Tank.
0:21:36.35 0:21:37.21 {BRIGHT} And Kai ?
0:21:37.21 0:21:40.00 CF7 {RYU} He can handle a Gun Cannon.
0:21:40.00 0:21:41.00 CF7 {RYU} Kai, are you ready {alright} ?
0:21:41.00 0:21:42.77 {KAI} Do I have a choice ?
0:21:42.77 0:21:43.67 {BRIGHT} Sorry.
0:21:43.67 0:21:45.79 {REID} It would be better if there were more support Moblie Suits.
0:21:45.79 0:21:48.20 {BRIGHT} I know ! I'm doing the best I can.
0:21:49.90 0:21:55.65 CF7 {KAI} Bright, I'll just shoot under White Base, I won't do anything more !
0:21:55.65 0:21:59.15 CF7 {KAI} We won't even receive a decent funeral if we die, right ?
0:21:59.15 0:22:02.90 {BRIGHT} I'll arrange for that. Is everything alright ?
0:22:02.90 0:22:04.60 {REID} We can break through, can't we ?
0:22:04.60 0:22:05.50 {BRIGHT} Who knows ?
0:22:07.51 0:22:09.15 CF7 {SAYLA} What's the matter, Frau Bow ?
0:22:09.15 0:22:12.20 {Frau} Amuro isn't... He says he doesn't want to fight.
0:22:12.20 0:22:13.17 CF7 {BRIGHT} WHAT ?!
0:22:13.17 0:22:14.13 {SAYLA} Bright !
0:22:14.13 0:22:16.75 {BRIGHT} Amuro, you have to move out.
0:22:16.75 0:22:20.69 {AMURO} Can you guarantee that I can get some sleep after the battle ?
0:22:20.69 0:22:22.01 CF7 {BRIGHT} Guarantee ?
0:22:22.01 0:22:23.95 {Frau} Amuro...
0:22:23.95 0:22:26.70 {AMURO} I can't handle this.
0:22:26.70 0:22:32.07 {Frau} I would've been killed if you hadn't fought.
0:22:32.07 0:22:37.10 {AMURO} Me too. But I hate having to be that scared again !
0:22:44.55 0:22:46.19 {MAN} It's that ``Wooden Horse.''
0:22:51.65 0:22:56.10 {MARKER} Dopps are moving aft, blocking our escape.
0:23:00.21 0:23:02.40 {GARMA} Concentrate on the port engine.
0:23:03.70 0:23:07.25 {JOB} Alright, alright. Stop. The Gun Tank is ready.
0:23:07.25 0:23:09.25 {RYU} Hayato, are you ready ?
0:23:09.25 0:23:11.40 CF5 {HAYATO} I am, you can count on me.
0:23:11.40 0:23:14.70 CF7 {SAYLA} Gun Tank, move to launch position. Cover our left side.
0:23:17.15 0:23:18.95 {RYU} Ahead slow.
0:23:32.50 0:23:36.70 {KAI} Oh, man ! Is this all we have ? Hey, Bright ?
0:23:36.70 0:23:41.55 CF7 {SAYLA} The Gundam will join you soon. Have confidence in our firepower.
0:23:41.55 0:23:44.80 {KAI} Well, you're really good at encouraging people.
0:23:44.80 0:23:51.67 {MIRAI} Altitude 105m. White Base, holding its position. Deck #2, hatch opening.
0:23:53.80 0:23:57.35 {SAYLA} Ryu, you're cleared to launch. Confirm its balance and dive.
0:23:57.35 0:24:01.90 {RYU} Hayato, we're going. Unlock the safety right after we're out of the ship.
0:24:01.90 0:24:04.70 CF7 {HAYATO} Roger. If Amuro could do it, so can I.
0:24:12.17 0:24:14.15 {MAN} What's that ? It looks like a tank.
0:24:15.30 0:24:20.55 {GARMA} A failed Mobile Suit ? It's just a ground weapon after all.
0:24:20.55 0:24:22.39 {GARMA} Gebil squadron, destroy the MS.
0:24:23.95 0:24:25.90 {RYU} Hayato, bandits on your left !
0:24:34.51 0:24:36.00 {MAN} What firepower !
0:24:40.01 0:24:41.87 {JOB} Gun Cannon, moving out.
0:24:41.87 0:24:46.39 CF7 {SAYLA} First and second waves incoming. I'm counting on you, Kai.
0:24:46.39 0:24:47.90 {KAI} I'll try, Sayla.
0:24:58.20 0:25:00.05 {KAI} I landed !
0:25:04.60 0:25:06.20 {KAI} Aiming at ME ?!
0:25:28.40 0:25:29.50 {KAI} Oh, man...
0:25:34.25 0:25:36.39 {KAI} I can do it ! I CAN DO IT !!
0:25:38.65 0:25:42.10 {GARMA} The second Mobile Suit is out. Hurry, switch to Magella-Attacks !
0:25:42.90 0:25:46.69 {CHAR} Two Mobile Suits ? Are they white ones, Garma ?
0:25:46.69 0:25:51.60 CF7 {GARMA} No, two ground-combat types. There's no white one.
0:25:51.60 0:25:56.05 CF7 {GARMA} Are those failed Mobile Suits really worth the Zion Cross ?
0:25:56.05 0:26:00.80 {CHAR} I need to give you some support.  We're on top of it, so I can't let it escape.
0:26:03.80 0:26:07.00 {BRIGHT} Amuro, why aren't you carrying out your duty ?
0:26:08.30 0:26:10.85 {AMURO} Why do you fight ?
0:26:10.85 0:26:15.13 {BRIGHT} This's no time to talk about philosophy ! Stand up !
0:26:15.13 0:26:20.75 {AMURO} Stop this. If you want to use the Gundam, you'd better do it yourself.
0:26:22.60 0:26:26.30 {BRIGHT} I don't need your suggestions, I'd do it if I could !{I would have done if I can without your suggestion.}
0:26:26.30 0:26:29.00 {AMURO} I haven't done it because I can.
0:26:32.60 0:26:33.80 {AMURO} You hit me...
0:26:33.80 0:26:35.25 {Frau} Ensign Bright !
0:26:35.25 0:26:41.70 {BRIGHT} What's wrong with it ? You'll feel fine grumbling like that.
0:26:41.70 0:26:45.00 {AMURO} Am I such a small man ?
0:26:47.29 0:26:51.70 {AMURO} You've hit me twice... Even my father hasn't hit me !
0:26:51.70 0:26:53.80 {BRIGHT} You're spoiled !
0:26:53.80 0:26:56.61 {BRIGHT} Who could grow up without ever being hit ?
0:26:56.61 0:27:02.40 {AMURO} I quit !! I'll never pilot the Gundam again !!
0:27:03.15 0:27:07.70 {Frau} Amuro, I'll take no more of your selfishness. Get a life !
0:27:07.70 0:27:09.60 {Frau} Don't say such pathetic things !
0:27:12.35 0:27:17.50 {BRIGHT} I'm returning to the bridge. Right now, you're nothing.
0:27:17.50 0:27:22.70 {BRIGHT} I was a fool to think that someone with your talents could someday defeat {overpower} Char.
0:27:23.37 0:27:26.44 {AMURO} Char...?
0:27:25.40 0:27:26.44 {AMURO} Bright...
0:27:28.49 0:27:33.20 {Frau} Amuro, there's an operations manual for the Gundam, right ?
0:27:33.20 0:27:39.23 {Frau} I'LL pilot the Gundam. I hate a person who can't be proud of what he's done.
0:27:39.23 0:27:43.60 {Frau} You can't say that you're the only one who's been protecting White Base.
0:27:43.60 0:27:46.55 {Frau} You're not a real man !
0:27:46.55 0:27:47.99 {Frau} I...
0:27:47.99 0:27:53.60 {AMURO} Frau, it's impossible for you to operate the Gundam.
0:27:55.60 0:28:01.10 {AMURO} It's frustrating...
0:27:58.90 0:28:01.10 {AMURO} ...but I AM a man.
0:28:03.37 0:28:05.10 CF5 {HALO} Amuro, are you going ? Amuro ?
0:28:09.95 0:28:11.05 {AMURO} Damn you, Char !
0:28:18.63 0:28:20.20 {KAI} A...ammo ?!
0:28:24.03 0:28:25.60 {BRIGHT} Are they more powerful than we thought ?
0:28:25.60 0:28:27.90 {MARKER} Y...yes. They've deployed ground forces.
0:28:29.10 0:28:31.80 {REID} From both air and ground ?!  Damn !
0:28:40.55 0:28:42.80 {REID} W...withdraw. No, I mean turn around !
0:28:45.81 0:28:48.55 {REID} Idiots ! What are you aiming at ?
0:28:48.55 0:28:51.65 {BRIGHT} Forward main gun, concentrate on the Magella-Attacks.
0:28:51.65 0:28:54.07 {REID} Damn you !! Aren't you going to back off ? {Don't you back off the ship ?}
0:28:54.07 0:28:56.60 {BRIGHT} You want me to break through, right ?
0:28:58.60 0:28:59.55 {REID}  A...alright.
0:29:04.71 0:29:10.10 CF7 {HAYATO} Ryu, the enemy's all over us ! {attacking routinely !} What's happened to Amuro and the Gundam ?
0:29:10.10 0:29:12.70 {RYU} White Base, do you copy ? Please send out the Gundam !
0:29:13.53 0:29:16.10 {Frau} Stay calm, you can do it.
0:29:16.10 0:29:17.75 {AMURO} Thank you.
0:29:17.75 0:29:19.47 {Frau} Good luck !
0:29:19.47 0:29:21.00 {AMURO} I trust you.
0:29:22.30 0:29:24.50 CF7 {SAYLA} Ryu, move away from the ship.
0:29:24.50 0:29:26.95 CF5 {RYU} They're pulling us away, they're quite...
0:29:26.95 0:29:30.70 CF7 {SAYLA} Cleared for launch. Amuro, be careful.
0:29:30.70 0:29:31.70 {AMURO} Yes.
0:29:32.81 0:29:37.00 {AMURO} Clear...? I wish there was no enemy and my way was clear, too.
0:29:39.31 0:29:40.61 {AMURO} Launching !
0:29:45.65 0:29:47.61 {AMURO} I'm f...falling.
0:30:03.50 0:30:05.93 {AMURO} Ryu, get back ! The Gundam will take care of the rest.
0:30:05.93 0:30:08.80 {RYU} You bet ! And Kai's getting pounded, too. {volleyed}
# 0:30:17.29 0:30:18.69 {KAI} Amuro...!
0:30:20.70 0:30:22.03 {AMURO} Bastards !
0:30:31.15 0:30:32.45 {AMURO} There's more ?!
0:30:34.97 0:30:36.80 {GARMA} The white one is out.
0:30:36.80 0:30:39.80 {GARMA} Three, repeat, {there're} three Mobile Suits are on the ``Wooden Horse.''
0:30:39.80 0:30:41.51 {GARMA} We've got to stop them by attacking the ``Horse.''
0:30:48.80 0:30:51.50 {CHAR} The white one is out ? I've got to go.
0:30:53.45 0:30:56.10 {CHAR} Launch the Co-Musai. I want to cover the Captain.
0:31:02.83 0:31:04.25 {AMURO} What do you take me for ?!
0:31:04.25 0:31:07.60 {AMURO} I'm gonna show you that the Gundam is not an ordinary close-combat MS !
0:31:12.40 0:31:13.75 {MAN} The M...Mobile Suit is flying !!
0:31:14.15 0:31:15.15 {AMURO} There you are !
0:31:17.53 0:31:18.05 {AMURO} One down.
0:31:18.85 0:31:21.75 {BRIGHT} Amuro ?! The Gundam is engaged in aerial combat.
0:31:21.75 0:31:22.98 {REID} What ?
0:31:22.98 0:31:26.30 {BRIGHT} Incredible... Open a channel, Sayla.
0:31:26.30 0:31:31.93 {BRIGHT} Order the Gun Cannon and Gun Tank to cover the Gundam when it's on the ground.
0:31:31.93 0:31:32.70 {SAYLA} Roger.
0:31:33.20 0:31:36.25 {RYU} Hayato, we're going to cover Amuro's Gundam !
0:31:36.25 0:31:39.90 {HAYATO} Roger.  We need to keep the Dopps from getting too low, right ?
0:31:44.40 0:31:46.70 {KAI} I won't let the Dopps come any lower !
0:31:48.29 0:31:50.60 HL40JL {AMURO} 8...
0:31:49.15 0:31:50.60 {AMURO} 5...
0:31:50.35 0:31:50.60 HL54JL {AMURO} 2...
0:31:54.00 0:31:56.55 {GARMA} What the hell kind of MS has the Federation built ?!
0:32:02.20 0:32:03.15 {AMURO} Three down !
0:32:14.25 0:32:17.83 {Frau} Bright, look at Amuro's fighting tactics !
0:32:17.83 0:32:22.50 {BRIGHT} Even though he's depressed, he hasn't forgotten how to fight. That's a good trait.
0:32:22.77 0:32:24.75 {Frau} Yes...
0:32:24.75 0:32:27.27 {Frau} That's the Amuro I know.
0:32:33.67 0:32:35.40 {AMURO} Six down. Where's the seventh one ?
0:32:37.39 0:32:38.20 {AMURO} Seven down !
0:32:47.45 0:32:48.30 {AMURO} The squadron leader ?
0:32:50.77 0:32:54.00 {GARMA} That monster ! Go down ! GO DOWN !!
0:32:57.17 0:32:57.70 {AMURO} That's...
0:33:04.49 0:33:07.50 {GARMA} Gow, I'm luring the Mobile Suit away.
0:33:07.50 0:33:10.42 {GARMA} Shoot it down when it's in range.
0:33:12.40 0:33:14.00 {OSCAR} The Co-Musai is closing in on the Gundam !
0:33:14.00 0:33:15.00 {BRIGHT} What ?
0:33:15.73 0:33:18.45 {MIRAI} The Red Comet's Zaku is supposed to be onboard, right ?
0:33:19.45 0:33:21.40 {REID} The Gundam threw away its rifle.
0:33:21.40 0:33:22.70 {BRIGHT} I'll send it a spare one.
0:33:24.73 0:33:29.35 {SAYLA} Gundam...Amuro, do you read me ? We're launching a rifle, catch it.
0:33:29.35 0:33:31.00 {SAYLA} Your power should be re-generated by now.
0:33:32.89 0:33:34.10 {AMURO} W...what did you say ?
0:33:34.10 0:33:36.70 CF7 {SAYLA} ...launching a rifle. The Red Comet is approaching.
0:33:42.40 0:33:44.30 {OSCAR} A Zaku is coming down. It's Char's !!
0:33:44.30 0:33:44.70 {REID} What ?!
0:33:46.87 0:33:47.83 {MAN} GO !!
0:33:50.41 0:33:52.40 {GARMA} Char's moved out ?
0:33:54.01 0:33:55.90 {AMURO} That's it.
0:33:55.90 0:33:57.10 {AMURO} Gundam, please catch it.
0:34:21.00 0:34:22.60 {AMURO} It loses power quickly.
0:34:25.87 0:34:29.35 CF7 {SAYLA} Pull back, Amuro. White Base is launching missiles.
0:34:29.35 0:34:31.23 CF7 {SAYLA} Pull back, Amuro ! Gundam...
0:34:31.23 0:34:32.65 {AMURO} Say what ?
0:34:32.65 0:34:34.65 CF5 {BRIGHT} Dopps and Magella-Attackers have retreated.
0:34:34.65 0:34:36.19 CF7 {SAYLA} Don't get hit.
0:34:37.10 0:34:37.71 {AMURO} Roger.
0:34:56.30 0:34:57.75 {CHAR} That ``Wooden Horse.''
0:34:57.75 0:34:59.00 CF7 {GARMA} Char, do you read me ?
0:34:59.00 0:35:00.07 {CHAR} Garma.
0:35:00.07 0:35:03.60 CF7 {GARMA} I've reached the Gow. Retreat now.
0:35:03.60 0:35:06.50 CF7 {GARMA} We have to re-plan the mission.
0:35:06.50 0:35:07.97 {CHAR} It seems so.
0:35:07.97 0:35:09.70 CF7 {GARMA} Come back. We have to discuss this.
0:35:13.60 0:35:14.60 {CHAR} Roger.
0:35:23.77 0:35:29.20 {MATILDA} Mobile Suit, do you copy ? Keep your altitude low and return to White Base.
0:35:29.20 0:35:30.00 {MATILDA} Don't go too far.
0:35:32.30 0:35:33.95 {AMURO} Who's that ?
0:35:33.95 0:35:35.60 {AMURO} She seems to know about everything.{from A to Z.}
0:35:42.97 0:35:48.65 {MATILDA} I'm taking a total of 35 people from the Salamis and refugees as well as Lt. Reid.
0:35:48.65 0:35:51.38 {MATILDA} I have no orders concerning {haven't heard anything about} White Base and the Mobile Suits...
0:35:51.38 0:35:54.11 {MATILDA} ...so everything about them remains the same.
0:35:54.11 0:35:59.13 {MATILDA} And, under the orders of Admiral Revil, I need a copy of your combat record.
0:35:59.13 0:36:06.50 {BRIGHT} Lt. Matilda, I don't understand. Why are we still in command of the ship ?{Why could we remain the same ?}
0:36:06.50 0:36:07.80 {MATILDA} Well...
0:36:07.80 0:36:10.88 {MATILDA} The Admiral said that it makes no difference to anyone...
0:36:10.88 0:36:13.95 {MATILDA} ...as long as {if} White Base continues to fight at this pace.
0:36:13.95 0:36:17.90 {MATILDA} Right now, even the Federation is untroubled by such things.
0:36:17.90 0:36:23.65 {MATILDA} And I'm just here under orders from Admiral Revil.
0:36:23.65 0:36:25.90 {MATILDA} Jabrow has nothing to do with this. {I'm nothing to do with Jabrow.}
0:36:25.90 0:36:28.80 {BRIGHT} Do you think we can get resupplied again ?
0:36:28.80 0:36:34.20 {MATILDA} If you can escape to the west, it's possible.
0:36:34.20 0:36:40.20 {MATILDA} Anyway, don't forget that there are people who still care about you.
0:36:41.81 0:36:43.70 {AMURO} Lt. Matilda.
0:36:45.33 0:36:49.60 {MATILDA} If you didn't fight well as you did, we might've been shot down.
0:36:49.60 0:36:52.70 {MATILDA} Thank you. You might be an esper.
0:36:53.95 0:36:55.25 {AMURO} No, that's...
0:36:55.25 0:36:56.35 {MATILDA} Keep doing a good job.
0:36:56.35 0:36:57.35 {AMURO} Yes...
0:37:48.80 0:37:50.10 {GARMA} Char...
0:37:50.10 0:37:52.05 {CHAR} Garma ?
0:37:52.05 0:37:55.81 {GARMA} You saved my life. I appreciate that.
0:37:55.81 0:37:58.00 {CHAR} No problem at all.
0:37:58.00 0:38:01.70 {CHAR} So, how are you going to handle the ``Wooden Horse'' ?
0:38:01.70 0:38:03.60 {GARMA} Another mission is already in progress.
0:38:03.60 0:38:09.10 {CHAR} I'll support you. It'll be my pleasure to help you.
0:38:09.10 0:38:10.85 {GARMA} You'll really be helpful.
0:38:10.85 0:38:16.70 {GARMA} You're worth hundreds of soldiers, and I can prove my skill to my sister, too.
0:38:18.00 0:38:21.03 {CHAR} But you'd better not worry about her.
0:38:21.03 0:38:21.95 {GARMA} Char.
0:38:21.95 0:38:23.45 {CHAR} What ?
0:38:23.45 0:38:25.00 {GARMA} You're coming tonight, aren't you ?
0:38:30.57 0:38:33.10 {CHAR} A party ?  Is it some sort of war promotion or what ?
0:38:48.13 0:38:57.67 {MAN} If his excellency Degin arrives, would you please suggest that we serve him.
0:39:04.39 0:39:06.91 {GARMA} Excuse me.  Later then.
0:39:09.99 0:39:14.09 {WOMAN} He looks great as always.
0:39:15.05 0:39:17.11 {GARMA} I don't like them.
0:39:17.11 0:39:21.05 {CHAR} If they knew of the existence of the ``Wooden Horse'' and the MS's, they'd be in a panic.
0:39:21.05 0:39:25.91 {GARMA} Right. I can form the pursuit wing, but the battlefield is expanding now...
0:39:25.91 0:39:28.53 {CHAR} Garma, who is that man over there ?
0:39:28.53 0:39:31.47 CF5 {ESHENBACH} No, there would be other ways too.
0:39:31.47 0:39:38.65 {GARMA} He's Eschonbach, a former mayor. He hates Zion, but he stayed here to support the people.
0:39:38.65 0:39:39.69 {CHAR} Looks like he's stubborn.
0:39:39.69 0:39:42.70 {MAN} Here comes Iserina Eschonbach.
0:39:51.50 0:39:53.00 {GARMA} Excuse me for a moment.
0:40:13.91 0:40:18.63 {GARMA} So he said he can't let his daughter marry a son of the Zion leader.
0:40:18.63 0:40:20.19 {ISERINA} Yes.
0:40:20.19 0:40:22.51 {GARMA} It's not surprising that he'd say that.
0:40:22.51 0:40:30.31 {ISERINA} I don't care about Zion or the Federation. You're only Garma. I care about you.
0:40:30.31 0:40:33.21 {GARMA} Iserina.
0:40:33.21 0:40:37.07 {ISERINA} Even if I have to leave my father, I'll stay with you.
0:40:37.07 0:40:41.09 {GARMA} I can't desert my father and Zion, but...
0:40:40.35 0:40:41.09 CF5 {ISERINA} Yes.
0:40:41.09 0:40:45.89 {GARMA} It's going to be alright. I have a good chance to obtain the Federation's secret.
0:40:45.89 0:40:50.89 {GARMA} If I succeed, my father will listen to me.
0:40:52.73 0:40:56.11 {GARMA} If he doesn't...
0:40:56.11 0:40:59.07 {GARMA} I'll leave Zion.
0:41:09.43 0:41:10.97 {MAN} Captain.
0:41:09.99 0:41:10.97 CF5 {GARMA} What's happened ?
0:41:10.97 0:41:12.05 {MAN} Oh, I'm...
0:41:12.05 0:41:13.93 {GARMA} It's alright. Go on.
0:41:13.93 0:41:16.83 {MAN} The "Wooden Horse" has reached point S-3.
0:41:16.83 0:41:17.65 {GARMA} What ?
0:41:17.65 0:41:23.15 {MAN} If they break through our final defense line, they'll be in Federation territory.
0:41:23.15 0:41:26.85 {GARMA} Just as I thought. They're our defense lines, too.
0:41:26.85 0:41:33.17 {GARMA} I'll lead a mobile squadron. Inform Char. We're moving out.
0:41:35.53 0:41:39.71 {GARMA} When I capture the Federation's new weapon, I'll bring it home.
0:41:39.71 0:41:42.85 {GARMA} And you'll be coming with me too.
0:42:24.47 0:42:28.47 {MIRAI} They're trying to block our escape from this city.
0:42:28.47 0:42:31.87 {BRIGHT} Yeah, but we've got no choice....
0:42:31.87 0:42:36.80 {AMURO} Bright, I could go ahead and lure them away ?
0:42:36.80 0:42:39.80 {BRIGHT} No, you won't. It's too late anyway.
0:42:41.11 0:42:45.71 {MARKER} These are the sonar contacts. The enemy aircraft are approaching from the north.
0:42:45.71 0:42:52.07 {AMURO} As I said, it's a feint operation. During the diversion, White Base can escape to the sea.
0:42:52.07 0:42:55.80 {BRIGHT} No, either we break through or you feint...
0:43:01.87 0:43:03.30 {AMURO} A flare ?
0:43:13.85 0:43:17.63 {BRIGHT} That dome ahead of us, it looks like an all-weather baseball field.
0:43:17.63 0:43:18.63 {MARKER} Yes, it is.
0:43:18.63 0:43:22.79 {BRIGHT} Good, the White Base should fit inside.
0:43:22.79 0:43:24.25 {MIRAI} Is it alright ?
0:43:24.25 0:43:28.99 {BRIGHT} Amuro, stand by in the Gundam, Kai, Ryu and Hayato in the Gun Cannon and Gun Tank.
0:43:28.99 0:43:32.83 {BRIGHT} Don't forget that we still have civilians onboard.
0:43:32.83 0:43:35.03 {AMURO} I'M not in the military either.
0:43:35.03 0:43:40.50 {BRIGHT} Everyone else, stay on 1st combat alert, and don't make a sound until my next order.
0:43:43.23 0:43:45.77 {Frau} Everyone, please stay inside.
0:43:46.45 0:43:48.09 {MAN} It's up to you now.
0:43:51.73 0:43:52.83 {BRIGHT} Turn 180 degrees.
0:43:52.83 0:43:55.57 {MIRAI} Roger, turn 180 degrees.
0:44:24.65 0:44:27.50 {RETSU} Can't you turn that off ? He's gonna cry even harder.
0:44:28.91 0:44:30.61 {Frau} Where's its mother ?
0:44:31.93 0:44:34.35 {Frau} Please don't cry now.
0:44:34.35 0:44:36.67 {WOMAN} My baby !
0:44:36.67 0:44:41.99 {WOMAN} I was just away for a moment ! Sorry, baby.
0:44:48.93 0:44:51.70 {GARMA} Luggun patrol, haven't you found the ``Wooden Horse'' yet ?
0:44:51.70 0:44:54.61 {GARMA} It's still in the city, search harder !
0:44:54.61 0:44:58.85 {CHAR} Carpet bombing is the best way to force a mouse from its burrow.
0:45:00.50 0:45:04.79 {GARMA} All aircraft, fly in formation and start bombing immediately.
0:45:30.25 0:45:32.23 {KIDS} Sis...
0:45:32.23 0:45:33.35 {Frau} It's gonna be alright.
0:45:36.65 0:45:40.29 {RYU} If we didn't get hit, we're REALLY lucky.
0:45:59.15 0:46:01.35 {ISERINA} Let me go !
0:46:00.00 0:46:01.35 CF5 {WOMAN} Miss !
0:46:01.35 0:46:03.13 {ISERINA} You don't understand anything !
0:46:03.13 0:46:06.01 {WOMAN} Miss, if you go now, you'll be killed !
0:46:06.01 0:46:09.33 {MAN} Miss, please don't do this. Your father is calling you.
0:46:09.33 0:46:11.59 {ISERINA} Don't you think you're being rude ?!
0:46:13.40 0:46:20.07 {ISERINA} No. I have to go somewhere, let go of me ! My father won't...
0:46:20.07 0:46:24.17 {Eschonbach} The son of the Zion leader wants to marry you ?
0:46:26.15 0:46:34.00 {ISERINA} You don't have any right to control me. I have the right to choose my own future.
0:46:34.00 0:46:37.67 {Eschonbach} No, you don't !
0:46:40.81 0:46:43.33 {Eschonbach} Don't give her the keys to the jet.
0:46:44.50 0:46:46.45 {MAN} Yes, master.
# 0:46:51.51 0:46:54.89 {ISERINA} G... Garma.
0:46:55.51 0:46:57.57 {GARMA} Well ? Has it come out ?
0:46:57.57 0:46:59.83 {MAN} No, not yet.
0:47:02.11 0:47:04.47 {GARMA} Where is it ? Why haven't they come out ?
0:47:04.47 0:47:08.57 {CHAR} They've learned a little about combat.
0:47:08.57 0:47:11.23 {GARMA} There's no other way but to go down and start searching.
0:47:11.23 0:47:14.89 {CHAR} Hold it. In this situation, I'll go with my men.
0:47:14.89 0:47:16.37 {GARMA} You will ?
0:47:16.37 0:47:19.07 {CHAR} Why not ? I'm under your command now.
0:47:19.07 0:47:24.77 {GARMA} That's true, but you're actually under the direct command of my brother Dozzle.
0:47:24.77 0:47:27.60 {CHAR} You seem to be overly excited.
0:47:27.60 0:47:30.70 {CHAR} It's not good to be eager for success because of a woman. Calm down.
0:47:32.83 0:47:35.07 {GARMA} Go for it.
0:47:37.83 0:47:42.51 {GARMA} Am I in rush because of Iserina ? I AM composed.
0:47:42.71 0:47:46.47 CF5 {MAN} Zakus are launching. Auto Balance Adjuster, stand by.
0:47:46.47 0:47:52.19 {GARMA} Char, when you find the Horse or the MS's, call me immediately.  I'll finish them off with Gows.
0:47:52.19 0:47:58.20 {CHAR} I do appreciate you seeing me off. I'll do so.  Good luck, Garma.
0:47:59.63 0:48:02.39 {GARMA} I'm counting on you, Char.
0:48:02.39 0:48:05.59 {CHAR} May victory be yours.
0:48:19.60 0:48:23.89 {MIRAI} Bright, there are 3 Zakus descending. They seem to be coming toward us.
0:48:23.89 0:48:29.39 {BRIGHT} Amuro, do you read me ? Lure those Zakus in front of White Base.
0:48:29.39 0:48:30.39 {AMURO} Roger.
0:48:35.89 0:48:37.00 {AMURO} Launching !
0:48:50.37 0:48:54.90 {CHAR} I don't like to deceive my men, but...
0:48:54.90 0:48:57.80 {CHAR} The ``Wooden Horse'' must have launched their MS.
0:49:07.67 0:49:09.07 {AMURO} Did they see me ?
0:49:11.91 0:49:15.00 {AMURO} Where are they ? They must be near.
0:49:29.01 0:49:32.00 {AMURO} That's Char. I can't engage him now.
0:49:38.81 0:49:41.80 {CHAR} That Mobile Suit is getting better and better.
0:50:05.17 0:50:12.25 {CHAR} Is that Mobile Suit trying lure us away ? If so, the Horse must be behind us.
0:50:19.90 0:50:21.67 {CHAR} Good tactics.
0:50:22.57 0:50:24.39 CF7 {GARMA} I've been waiting, Char.
0:50:24.39 0:50:28.51 {CHAR} The Mobile Suit is running away. The Horse should be ahead of it. Can you follow it ?
0:50:28.51 0:50:29.91 CF7 {GARMA} I will.
0:50:36.73 0:50:40.11 {GARMA} Open beam cannon hatch. All aircraft, prepare to attack.
0:50:50.27 0:50:52.61 {MIRAI} Bright, the enemy is heading away.
0:50:52.61 0:50:55.17 {BRIGHT} Good. Mirai, back to your position. We're going to attack.
0:50:55.17 0:50:55.69 {MIRAI} Okay.
0:50:57.81 0:51:02.60 {BRIGHT} Gun Tank, Gun Cannon, and the rest of the batteries, aim at the enemy.
0:51:02.60 0:51:04.45 {BRIGHT} We're firing a volley in 10 seconds.
0:51:04.45 0:51:05.80 JLHL2 {BRIGHT} 10...
0:51:05.80 0:51:07.15 JLHL12 {BRIGHT} 9...
0:51:07.15 0:51:08.50 JLHL22 {BRIGHT} 8...
0:51:08.50 0:51:09.85 JLHL32 {BRIGHT} 7...
0:51:09.85 0:51:11.20 JLHL42 {BRIGHT} 6...
0:51:11.20 0:51:12.55 JLHL52 {BRIGHT} 5...
0:51:12.55 0:51:13.90 JLHL62 {BRIGHT} 4...
0:51:13.90 0:51:15.25 JLHL72 {BRIGHT} 3...
0:51:15.25 0:51:16.60 JLHL82 {BRIGHT} 2...
0:51:16.60 0:51:17.95 JLHL92 {BRIGHT} 1...
0:51:17.95 0:51:18.83 F0 {BRIGHT} FIRE !
0:51:42.57 0:51:43.85 {GARMA} What happened ?
0:51:43.85 0:51:45.79 {MAN} We were attacked from behind !
0:51:45.79 0:51:47.47 {GARMA} From behind ?!
0:51:47.47 0:51:49.93 {MAN} It's the Horse !  The Horse is attacking from the rear !
0:51:49.93 0:51:52.41 {GARMA} Damn ! Climb ! CLIMB !
0:51:52.41 0:51:54.83 {MAN} Impossible !
0:51:54.83 0:51:56.70 {GARMA} Turn 180 degrees about !
0:51:58.50 0:52:00.50 {GARMA} I'll crash this Gow into the Horse !
0:52:19.53 0:52:23.61 {CHAR} Garma, are you still listening ? You'd better curse your unfortunate birth.
0:52:23.61 0:52:25.43 {GARMA} What ?! Unfortunate ?!
0:52:25.43 0:52:26.73 CF7 {CHAR} Yes, unfortunate birth.
0:52:26.73 0:52:28.55 {GARMA} Char, you're a...!
0:52:28.55 0:52:33.75 {CHAR} You've been a good friend, but it's your father's fault.
0:52:38.05 0:52:41.00 {GARMA} Char ! You set me up Char!
0:52:44.85 0:52:46.19 {GARMA} Damn !
0:52:50.01 0:52:52.10 {GARMA} I'm a man of the Zabi family.
0:52:54.20 0:52:55.93 {GARMA} I will not die in vain !
0:52:58.25 0:53:00.73 {MARKER} An enemy aircraft is approaching the ship !
0:53:00.73 0:53:04.15 {BRIGHT} What ? A suicide attack ?
0:53:04.15 0:53:07.13 {BRIGHT} Mirai, climb. Climb !
0:53:05.80 0:53:07.13 {MIRAI} Yes, sir.
0:53:18.01 0:53:19.69 {BRIGHT} Everyone, get down !
0:53:22.87 0:53:26.27 F0 {GARMA} FOR THE GLORY OF THE ZION ARCHDUCHY !
0:53:53.07 0:53:56.63 {BRIGHT} We....made it ?
0:54:00.07 0:54:09.45 {Eschonbach} Annihilated ? My God. Thank you for letting me know. I see, I'll let her know.
0:54:09.45 0:54:11.33 {Eschonbach} Iserina.
0:54:11.33 0:54:13.67 {ISERINA} Father.
0:54:13.67 0:54:18.13 {Eschonbach} Iserina, I just heard that Garma was killed in action.
0:54:58.31 0:55:07.97 CF7 {NARRATOR} News of the death of his youngest son, Garma, quickly reached the Zion leader, Degin Zabi.
0:55:07.97 0:55:15.59 CF7 {NARRATOR} It was said that Degin, without a word, dropped his cane in front of the messenger.
0:55:15.59 0:55:23.23 CF7 {NARRATOR} The archduke ordered his eldest son, Gihren, to gather the rest of the family.
0:55:38.20 0:55:42.11 {DOZZLE} It hasn't been changed at all since my last visit 6 months ago.
0:56:00.40 0:56:06.73 {Gihren} We cannot let Garma's death be wasted. It will ruin the history of the Zabi family.
0:56:06.73 0:56:11.29 {Gihren} We can't let his death be meaningless.
0:56:11.29 0:56:14.85 {Degin} Gihren, I just want his death...
0:56:14.85 0:56:16.55 {DOZZLE} Father, we're late.
0:56:16.55 0:56:20.53 {Degin} You two have arrived earlier than I thought you would.
0:56:20.53 0:56:22.27 {DOZZLE} Father, I know how you feel.
0:56:22.27 0:56:26.79 {Kycilia} I feel sorry that he was defeated by a Federation Mobile Suit.
0:56:26.79 0:56:32.17 {DOZZLE} Brother, I still can't believe it. He might show up suddenly.
0:56:32.17 0:56:36.73 {Gihren} You can't win the war by looking to the past, Dozzle.
0:56:36.73 0:56:45.03 {DOZZLE} But, I was looking forward to him becoming a General who could command even me.
0:56:46.90 0:56:49.80 {Degin} Dozzle is right.
0:56:49.80 0:56:59.41 {Degin} So Gihren, would you pray for him so that his soul will rest quietly and peacefully ?